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Emily K. Bright


By Emily K. Bright It is nearly midnight and I'm
scrubbing at the grout.
The dishes, washed,
Samiya Bashir

Manistee Lights

By Samiya Bashir Brother I don't either understand this
skipscrapple world that is--these
slick bubble cars zip feverish down
Jamaal May

Pomegranate Means Grenade

By Jamaal May Hold a pomegranate in your palm,
imagine ways to split it, think of the breaking
skin as shrapnel. Remember granada
Brian Fanelli

Political Soundtrack

By Brian Fanelli Every Sunday, I came dressed in punk rocker black,
checkered pants, steel-toed Docs.
No tie dye on me when I joined
Jonathan B. Tucker

The Sign

By Jonathan B. Tucker pardon our appearance
as we grow to better serve you
says the sign on the fence
María Luisa Arroyo


By María Luisa Arroyo Mami called us away from the roach trap line
where novice factory workers, fresh from the island,
and I, fresh from Germany, poked
Solmaz Sharif

Mess Hall

By Solmaz Sharif Your knives tip down
in the dish rack
of the replica plantation home
Quraysh Ali Lansana

body shop

By Quraysh Ali Lansana i've heard tell of a hustle
in brooklyn where clever folks
throw themselves in front of cars
Marc A. Drexler

2nd Grader Killed by Stray Bullet

By Marc A. Drexler children in
certain neighborhoods
should know better than to
sit by a window
Sheila Black

Rosary for my Brace

By Sheila Black The brace was metal, and it fastened around the ankles.
Outside in the street there was the beggar with elephantiasis; there was
the leper, the neighbor with eyes milky blind,
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