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River 瑩瑩 Dandelion

Sometimes Oral History Comes Off Recorder as Poem or, Birth Story

By River 瑩瑩 Dandelion my mother mimics her body
stick bug straight
arms plastered to side

[i was in labor for three days
in a hospital bed in Brooklyn
the lighting was harsh for your eyes]
Sharon Bridgforth

dat Black Mermaid Man Lady/dem Blessings #34

By Sharon Bridgforth Remember.

You were wild
and you were free
and you felt unloved
and unseen
and you ran the streets
and you Loved hard
and you were Loved deeply
Chen Chen

have you eaten yet

By Chen Chen the mystery of your lungs
the spaceship of your yes
Rose Zinnia


By Rose Zinnia a trick
of light
a sleight
of hand
a contused
Emma Trelles

“Here in the Electric Dusk”

By Emma Trelles After winter rains
The hills
Are velvety beasts
We pretend
We have nothing
To worry about
Except for the usual
Minuet of dying
Scraping the corners
Nancy Huang

Nancy Builds a UFO

By Nancy Huang I build a UFO. I paint it
sparkly purple like the best sex bruise

you ever got. I line
my foil aircraft with crystals

humming different vibrations.
I woo the shit out of this

engine battery. Rocket fuel and
hard rock swing.
Maya Marshall


By Maya Marshall Today’s nothing fancy: my mother lives,
a simple pleasure. My cat made biscuits
on my knee. A woman I desire,
giggled with me, invited me to touch
a whale. I fell for a man I barely know,
his delicious disdain, his persistent smile,
flaking skin and mane.
Rajiv Mohabir


By Rajiv Mohabir I invite you back
dear wildness dear
unfathomable formless

Rio Cortez


By Rio Cortez Just as close to living as you are to disappearing knowing
my limits you locate the tender spots without.
Siaara Freeman

The Such Thing As the Ridiculous Question –

By Siaara Freeman When I say ancestors, let’s be clear:
I mean slaves. I’m talkin’ Tennessee
cotton & Louisiana suga. I mean grave dirt.
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