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10 hours of poetry on a Saturday: Hyper Bole 2018

This past Saturday was the Hyper Bole, the largest individual youth poetry slam on the East Coast. Deborah March, an English teacher and Academic Director at Loudoun School for the Gifted, is one of the many teachers who brought their students to George MasonUniversity to participate in the Hyper Bole this year. Read her incredibly moving post about the event on her blog.

Some quotes from Deborah's students:

"I’ve never been in a space like that, where people snap for you and encourage you when you make a mistake."

"I was surprised by all the different perspectives I heard."

"The poetry was amazing."

"I mostly act like I don’t care about anything. Today made me think it’s OK to care sometimes."

"It reminded me how much I still have to learn. We’re all trying to unlearn what we’ve been taught by systems of oppression, and it’s a process."

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