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Kenneth Carroll III

saturday afternoon

By Kenneth Carroll III we ride in on the red line
our laces coming undone as we float over fair gates

until we fall into a night

with everything our tongues have been yearning for
Pacyinz Lyfoung

The Day I Learned to Speak My Grandmother’s Tongue

By Pacyinz Lyfoung The day I learned to speak my grandmother’s tongue
An Eastern wind shifted the earth
While the western walls were whisked away…
And the mountains of Laos rose on the horizon,
Gowri Koneswaran

A Message of the Emergency Broadcasting System

By Gowri Koneswaran this is a message of the emergency broadcasting system
this is a war on terror

this is a message of the emergency broadcasting system
this is a war of terror

hello my name is Tamil
a minority in america
the second largest ethnic group
in sri lanka
Sheila Black

Radium Dream

By Sheila Black We come at the wrong time of year by a hair
or a week, and the brown birds flying onward,
out of reach. My son tilts his head.
Rasheed Copeland

On Calling the Cops.

By Rasheed Copeland It took us this long to slow our dying

down to a languid and sensible pace

wherein the sugar might claim each our limbs
Tanya Paperny


By Tanya Paperny click on a live stream
of a memorial event
to commemorate victims
of Soviet terror
Kim Marshall


By Kim Marshall We rush toward change, ask:
how much
do you love me?
David Gewanter


By David Gewanter Wealth, passing through the hands
of the few, becomes the property
of the many, ensuring the survival
Sandra Beasley

Customer Service Is

By Sandra Beasley We take pride in serving the

We’re accustomed to servicing the

Please take the attached

Please answer these six
John James

Spaghetti Western

By John James In Georgetown, IN, the steel projector reels.
The desert stretches blankly before us, a red
plain constellated with rows of dry mesquite.
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